Romano, Mario
Romano, Mario
Dipartimento Scienze Biomediche
23 G suturless TC-PPV
2009-01-01 Romano, M
23 Gauge Pars Plana vitrectomy with Densiron-68 vs combined Encircling Scleral Band with Silicon Oil for primary pseudophakic retinal detachment with inferior retinal breaks
2009-01-01 Romano, M; Angi, M; Romano, V; Valldeperas, X; Costagliola, C; Vinciguerra, P.
23G-PPV/Densiron-68 vs 20G-PPV/SB/SF6 for pseudophakic retinal detachment with inferior retinal breaks.
2009-01-01 Romano, M
23G-PPV/Densiron-68 vs 20G-PPV/SB/SF6 per distacco di retina in pseudofachici con rotture retiniche inferiori.
2009-01-01 Romano, M
25 Simulation of eye surgery in porcine eye globes and evaluation of retinal cytotoxicity
2022-01-01 Tothova, Jana D'amato; Gatto, Claudio; Giurgola, Laura; Romano, Mario; Ferrara, Mariantonia
27-Gauge Vitrectomy for Primary Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment: Is it Feasible?
2015-01-01 Romano, Mario; Vallejo-Garcia, Jl; Scotti, F; Vinciguerra, P
[Use of intravitreal bevacizumab for the treatment of choroidal neovascularization secondary to choroidal rupture]. FT Bevacizumab intravitreo en el tratamiento de la neovascularizacion subretiniana secundaria a rotura coroidea
2011-01-01 X, Valldeperas; R, Bonilla; Romano, Mario R.; J, de la Camara
[Visual acuity reduction and silicone oil tamponade]
2022-01-01 Wolf, Armin; Romano, Mario; Haritoglou, Christos
A generalised porous medium approach to study thermo-fluid dynamics in human eyes.
2018-01-01 A, Mauro; N, Massarotti; M, Salahudeen; Romano, Mario R.; V, Romano; P., Nithiarasu
A Mathematical Model of Interstitial Fluid Flow and Retinal Tissue Deformation in Macular Edema
2024-01-01 Ruffini, Alessia; Dvoriashyna, Mariia; Govetto, Andrea; Romano, Mario; Repetto, Rodolfo
A mechanical model of posterior vitreous detachment and generation of vitreoretinal tractions
2020-01-01 Di Michele, Federica; Tatone, Amabile; Romano, Mario; Repetto, Rodolfo
A minimum specification dataset for liquid ocular endotamponades: recommendations by a European expert panel
2024-01-01 Ferrara, Mariantonia; Steel, David Hw; Romano, Mario; Chandra, Aman; Coco-Martin, Rosa M; Pastor, J Carlos; Ferrara, Mariantonia; Januschowski, Kai; Rickmann, Annekatrin; Pastor-Idoate, Salvador; Romano, Mario R; Smith, Jonathan; Steel, David Hw; Spitzer, Martin S
A model for the linear stability of the interface between aqueous humor and vitreous substitutes after vitreoretinal surgery
2014-01-01 K, Isakova; Jo, Pralits; R, Repetto; Romano, Mario R.
A new device to perform vitrectomy under controlled temperature: what are the advantages?
2013-01-01 Romano, Mario R.
A novel numerical modelling approach for keratoplasty eye procedure
2019-01-01 Mohamed, S.; Coccarelli, A.; Mauro, A.; Massarotti, N.; Romano, M. R.; Romano, V.; Nithiarasu, P.
A novel patient-oriented numerical procedure for glaucoma drainage devices.
2018-01-01 A, Mauro; N, Massarotti; S, Mohamed; Ir, Uña; Romano, Mario R.; V., Romano
A novel quantitative analysis method for idiopathic epiretinal membrane
2021-01-01 Allegrini, Davide; Montesano, Giovanni; Marconi, Stefania; Rosso, Nicoletta; Ometto, Giovanni; Raimondi, Raffaele; Auricchio, Ferdinando; Tsoutsanis, Panagiotis; Semeraro, Francesco; Cacciatori, Matteo; Crabb, David P.; Romano, Mario.
A randomised controlled trial of ranibizumab with and without ketorolac eyedrops for exudative age-related macular degeneration
2013-01-01 A, Russo; C, Costagliola; L, Delcassi; Romano, Mario R.; F., Semeraro
A retrospective, multicenter study on the management of macular holes without residual internal limiting membrane: the refractory macular hole (ReMaHo) study
2022-01-01 Lorenzi, Umberto; Mehech, Joel; Caporossi, Tommaso; Romano, Mario; De Fazio, Rocco; Parrat, Eric; Matonti, Frédéric; Mora, Paolo
A simple mathematical model of retinal reattachment after scleral buckling
2022-01-01 Kheirandish, Sasan; Repetto, Rodolfo; Romano, Mario; Alishahi, Mohammad M.; Golneshan, Ali A.; Abouali, Omid; Pralits, Jan O.