1.1 Articolo in rivista: [21570] Home page tipologia

Prodotti della tipologia (ordinati per Data di deposito in Decrescente ordine): 1.461 a 1.480 di 21.570
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) File
Temporal ultrasonography findings in temporal arteritis: early disappearance of halo sign after only 2 days of steroid treatment 1-gen-2013 Santoro, L; D'Onofrio, F; Bernardi, S; Gremese, Elisa; Ferraccioli, Gianfranco; Santoliquido, Angelo
Platelet GPIIb/IIIa (P1A 1/2) polymorphism in SLE: clinical and laboratory association 1-gen-2003 Tolusso, B; Fabris, M; Gremese, E; Mosca, M; ROVERE-QUERINI, P; Ferraccioli, Gf
MicroRNA-34a dependent regulation of AXL controls the activation of dendritic cells in inflammatory arthritis 1-gen-2017 Kurowska-Stolarska, Mariola; Alivernini, Stefano; Melchor, Emma Garcia; Elmesmari, Aziza; Tolusso, Barbara; Tange, Clare; Petricca, Luca; Gilchrist, Derek S.; Di Sante, Gabriele; Keijzer, Chantal; Stewart, Lynn; Di Mario, Clara; Morrison, Vicky; Brewer, James M.; Porter, Duncan; Milling, Simon; Baxter, Ronald D.; Mccarey, David; Gremese, Elisa; Lemke, Greg; Ferraccioli, Gianfranco; Mcsharry, Charles; Mcinnes, Iain B.
Drug survival of adalimumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis over 10 years in the real-world settings: high rate remission together with normal function ability 1-gen-2016 Iannone, Florenzo; Sinigaglia, Lugi; Favalli, Ennio Giulio; Sarzi Puttini, Piercarlo; Atzeni, Fabiola; Caporali, Roberto; Codullo, Veronica; Ferraccioli, Gianfranco; Gremese, Elisa; Carletto, Antonio; Giollo, Alessandro; Govoni, Marcello; Bergossi, Francesca; Galeazzi, Mauro; Cantarini, Luca; Salaffi, Fausto; Di Carlo, Marco; Bazzani, Chiara; Pellerito, Raffaele; Sebastiani, Marco; Ramonda, Roberta; Lapadula, Giovanni
Sarilumab use in severe SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia 1-gen-2020 Gremese, E; Cingolani, A; Bosello, Sl; Alivernini, S; Tolusso, B; Perniola, S; Landi, F; Pompili, M; Murri, R; Santoliquido, A; Garcovich, M; Sali, M; De Pascale, G; Gabrielli, M; Biscetti, F; Montalto, M; Tosoni, A; Gambassi, G; Rapaccini, Gl; Iaconelli, A; Zileri Del Verme, L; Petricca, L; Fedele, Al; Lizzio, Mm; Tamburrini, E; Natalello, G; Gigante, L; Bruno, D; Verardi, L; Taddei, E; Calabrese, A; Lombardi, F; Bernabei, R; Cauda, R; Franceschi, F; Landolfi, R; Richeldi, L; Sanguinetti, M; Fantoni, M; Antonelli, M; Gasbarrini, A.
Alveolar haemorrhage in ANCA-associated vasculitis: Long-term outcome and mortality predictors 1-gen-2020 Quartuccio, L; Bond, M; Isola, M; Monti, S; Felicetti, M; Furini, F; Murgia, S; Berti, A; Silvestri, E; Pazzola, G; Bozzolo, E; Leccese, P; Raffeiner, B; Parisi, S; Leccese, I; Cianci, F; Bettio, S; Sainaghi, P; Ianniello, A; Ravagnani, V; Bellando Randone, S; Faggioli, P; Lomater, C; Stobbione, P; Ferro, F; Colaci, M; Alfieri, G; Carubbi, F; Erre, Gl; Giollo, A; Franzolini, N; Ditto, Mc; Balduzzi, S; Padoan, R; Bortolotti, R; Bortoluzzi, A; Cariddi, A; Padula, A; Di Scala, G; Gremese, E; Conti, F; D'Angelo, S; Matucci Cerinic, M; Dagna, L; Emmi, G; Salvarani, C; Paolazzi, G; Roccatello, D; Govoni, M; Schiavon, F; Caporali, R; De Vita, S
Baricitinib as rescue therapy in a patient with COVID-19 with no complete response to sarilumab 1-gen-2020 Cingolani, A.; Tummolo, A. M.; Montemurro, G.; Gremese, E.; Larosa, L.; Cipriani, M. C.; Pasciuto, G.; Liperoti, R.; Murri, R.; Pirronti, T.; Cauda, R.; Fantoni, M.; for COVID, 2 Columbus Working Group
Patterns of Anti-Inflammatory and Immunomodulating Drug Usage and Microvascular Endothelial Function in Rheumatoid Arthritis 1-gen-2021 Mangoni, Aa; Woodman, Rj; Piga, M; Cauli, A; Fedele, Al; Gremese, E; Erre, Gl; EDRA Study, Group
Adult Onset Still's Disease and Radiotherapy treatment for breast cancer: Case report about management of this rare association and literature review 1-gen-2020 Marazzi, F; Masiello, V; Franceschini, G; Bosello, S; Moschella, F; Smaniotto, D; Luzi, S; Mulé, A; Gambacorta, Ma; Gremese, E; Masetti, R; Valentini, V
Telemedicine will not keep us apart in COVID-19 pandemic 1-gen-2021 Perniola, S.; Alivernini, S.; Varriano, V.; Paglionico, A.; Tanti, G.; Rubortone, P.; Lanzo, L.; Melpignano, F.; Tur, C.; De Lorenzis, E.; Peluso, G.; Capacci, A.; Gremese, E.
Very early rheumatoid arthritis as a predictor of remission: a multicentre real life prospective study 1-gen-2013 Gremese, Elisa; Salaffi, F; Bosello, Sl; Ciapetti, A; Bobbio Pallavicini, F; Caporali, R; Ferraccioli, Gianfranco
Morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 are not increased among children or patients with autoimmune rheumatic disease-possible immunologic rationale: comment on the article by Henderson et al 1-gen-2020 Ferraccioli, Es; Gremese, E; Ferraccioli, G
Predictive Factors for a New Positive Nasopharyngeal Swab Among Patients Recovered From COVID-19 1-gen-2021 Landi, F.; Carfi, A.; Benvenuto, F.; Brandi, V.; Ciciarello, F.; Lo Monaco, M. R.; Martone, A. M.; Napolitano, C.; Pagano, F.; Paglionico, A.; Petricca, L.; Rocchi, S.; Rota, E.; Salerno, A.; Tritto, M.; Gremese, E.; Bernabei, R.
Cardiac troponin T and NT-proBNP as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of primary cardiac involvement and disease severity in systemic sclerosis: A prospective study 1-gen-2019 Bosello, Silvia; De Luca, Giacomo; Berardi, Giorgia; Canestrari, Giovanni; de Waure, Chiara; Gabrielli, Francesca Augusta; Di Mario, Clara; Forni, Franca; Gremese, Elisa; Ferraccioli, Gianfranco
HBV and targeted synthetic (ts)DMARDs: What have we learned from bDMARDs and tsDMARDs? 1-gen-2020 Gremese, E.; Gasbarrini, A.; Ferraccioli, G.
Proton pump inhibitors in rheumatic diseases: clinical practice, drug interactions, bone fractures and risk of infections 1-gen-2011 Laria, Antonella; Zoli, Angelo; Gremese, Elisa; Ferraccioli, Gianfranco
Ultrasound assessment as predictor of disease relapse in children and adults with arthritis in clinical stable remission: new findings but still unmet needs 1-gen-2018 Gremese, Elisa; Fedele, Anna Laura; Alivernini, Stefano; Ferraccioli, Gianfranco
B cell activating factor (BAFF) and BAFF receptors: fakes and facts 1-gen-2017 Ferraccioli, G.; Gremese, E.
The role of high-mobility group box protein 1 in collagen antibody-induced arthritis is dependent on vascular endothelial growth factor 1-gen-2016 Biscetti, F; Flex, A; Pecorini, G; Angelini, F; Arena, V; Stigliano, E; Gremese, E; Tolusso, B; Ferraccioli, G
Microvascular heart involvement in systemic autoimmune diseases: The purinergic pathway and therapeutic insights from the biology of the diseases 1-gen-2019 De Lorenzis, Enrico; Gremese, Elisa; Bosello, Silvia; Nurmohamed Michael, Tuahier; Sinagra, Gianfranco; Ferraccioli, Gianfranco
Prodotti della tipologia (ordinati per Data di deposito in Decrescente ordine): 1.461 a 1.480 di 21.570
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  • 1 Contributo su Rivista21570
  • OYEN, Willem Jozef Gerard867
  • CANONICA, Giorgio776
  • SANTORO, Armando751
  • DANESE, Silvio651
  • REPICI, Alessandro618
  • Marcacci, Maurilio472
  • RIBOLI, Elio424
  • SELMI, Carlo Francesco407
Data di pubblicazione
  • In corso di stampa27
  • 2020 - 20245580
  • 2010 - 201910209
  • 2000 - 20094148
  • 1990 - 19991287
  • 1980 - 1989296
  • 1975 - 197923
  • Edition AERCV1
  • Elsevier1
  • Futura Publishing Company1
  • Grafica Luigi Monti s.r.l.1
  • Karger, Basel1
  • Mosby1
  • sn1
  • Springer-Verlag1
  • Thieme1
  • PLOS ONE171
  • ALLERGY166
  • CANCERS154
  • Humans1989
  • Female949
  • Male913
  • Middle Aged704
  • Aged612
  • Adult513
  • COVID-19366
  • Treatment Outcome350
  • Animals315
  • Retrospective Studies255
  • eng14437
  • ita321
  • spa11
  • fre10
  • ger6
  • enm3
  • por2
  • chi1
  • und1
Accesso al fulltext
  • no fulltext20170
  • reserved1139
  • open261